a girl in my class is on a twilight fan site and running her fingers on the screen as edwards body comes up.
Well, what part of "I've heard she has crabs" didn't you take into consideration?
i jus got home and totaly forgot i had nut all over the back of my shirt
..im mad u rememberd about that
She just tagged pictures of you wrapped in the "above the influence banner" like a toga.
Whiskey and an unstable home life is apparently the fountain that 20-something boys like to drink from.
WHY did you say no to the sex seance?
Ugh I need to clean my floors/walls/ I actually don't understand why boys get drunk and pee on things
Next time one of us has a party everybody has to wear a diaper. But actually you just need a shit ton of disinfectant wipes and maybe a hazmat suit.
He left his phone. Turns out he;s been sexting with some girls who can't spell. Time to break out the herpes scare.
Best sex of my life. But I think it's because I like his apartment. Really nice bed sheets. High vaulted ceilings. I wanted to lay there forever.
You're getting old. Was it located in a nice school district for your future offspring?
All I know, is I had green sex and beer and got driven home. That's it.
She came out of my bathroom wearing nothing but high top Converse, a leather jacket and a tongue stud. I love rock bars.
Goddamn it. Hes got me addicted to his penis
The true debate: do I prioritize going to bed and getting more than six hours of sleep or do I prioritize washing out various grease, leaf bits, and jizz out of my hair
Do toy wanna orseer frim onedof tjose plaves? Sry textimg with globes on
Out of all the words to correct, you chose gloves??