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  • Soccer is a great game I wouldn't call it a sport golf soccer tennis darts pool chess their all real fun games.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 12:01am
  • I am going to drink a lot and eventually passout but first I am going to I am going to attempt a witty metaphor about defiling myself

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 3:52am
  • Ayo I'm gunna let you finish but..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:32pm
  • I'm moving to Utah :( fml

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 6:43pm
  • 1:18, the duggars are not mormon.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 1:55am
  • In Soviet Russia, middle-aged Irish guys waste you!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 11:28pm
  • Roll tide not sayin just sayin...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 6:05pm
  • I'm Irish, no of you yanks can drinkfor shit!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 4:33pm
  • I like atheist hippie girls with more free love than they know what to do with

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 4:39pm
  • NOT FUNNYYYY!! people are trying too hard, these texts are getting dumb and dumber

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 10:16am
  • Will you Euros and Americans just stop arguing about drinking and sports. Good lord all of you are whiny little bitches. Especially you 10:29, you are the biggest piece of shit on here.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 10:41pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:58pm
  • Roll tide just sayin...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:51pm
  • 1:17 fat girls need love too! And they are not EW you dick wipe!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 1:50am
  • I'm a hot Mormon girl...its our cute sunday dresses ain't it? ;)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 9:03am
  • imagine playing your shitty sport on ice using a fucking bent stick to hit a much smaller "ball" and actually be able to make contact with each other. Remove all the fun and athletcism out of hockey and you get soccer

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 10:50pm
  • 1022 the actual "manly" version of soccer would be either hockey, lacrosse or rugby. All of which they don't cry after contact and expect a yellow. Soccer women and fans have more balls than the male players

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 10:47pm
  • The Irish are responsible for the stabilization and growth of the Western US

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:44pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 6:01pm
  • Mormon girls are hot.... Mormon guys are hotter...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 4:34pm
  • They're Sorry don't want to piss the losers off who correct everyone.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 12:07am
  • I'm Irish. And I make Mormon girls leave church. Just who do you thing you are fooling with your drunk?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:03pm
  • Roll tide just sayin.....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:50pm
  • first off, if they'll hook up with you, they're probably not actually a believer of the mormon faith. and second, whatever idiot alabama fan kept posting "roll tide,"... stop. because you give all of the not-annoying alabama fans a bad name.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 4, 10 at 8:42am
  • Roll tide! Pasadena bound!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:44pm
  • I'm Irish, a hot girl, definatly not Mormon and doubt you could out drink me.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:38pm
  • 6:43pm... That's def an FML. I'm visiting right now and the people are weirddddd...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 8:07pm
  • Roll tide just sayin.....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:54pm
  • You yanks are bigotted bastards we ain't the scum of the earth just because we know how to have a good time

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:40pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:06pm
  • 6:43 I'm sorry... ManU ftw :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 7:51pm
  • Roll tide just sayin.....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:54pm
  • 5:20's a loser. I know plenty of Irish (men and women) who are great people. but if I had to pick I'd take a Russian guy any day!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:30pm
  • Oh and ManU hell yeah!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 10:22pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:49pm
  • God bless the Duggars! 

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 1:18am
  • Mormon girls are pretty nice. Helps keep me awake on Sunday

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 5, 10 at 7:30am
  • not all of us 5:40! i admit it's just the ignorant ones, of which there are unfortunately too many. from 5;30

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:50pm
  • Mormon girls are HOT! dammit I love Utah!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:29pm
  • My family consists of a lot middle aged Irish men...yeah. Not possible

    Submitted by crazyman217 on Feb 16, 11 at 9:44pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 6:00pm
  • soccer is for pussies.. Field fairies

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 10:10pm
  • Apparently you haven't partied with many Mormon girls

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 6:40pm
  • Very original. Made me lmao. Thank you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 9, 10 at 12:35am
  • Roll tide just sayin...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 6:02pm
  • Roll tide just sayin.....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:53pm
  • Thats really ignorant to say!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 8:40am
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:50pm
  • Stop hating on the Irish, bitches! .. We're cool :P

    Submitted by chloebbz on Jul 18, 10 at 9:55pm
  • It's so sad that these are my peers, whose worlds are so small that this is the most exciting thing they can think to do. -Sephy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 10:02pm
  • 8:07 really?! Is it as bad as people say it is?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 8:09pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 6:03pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:57pm
  • one thing to get wasted but you have to know how to fight WHILE wasted if you want to upstage the Irish.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:18pm
  • There is so much wrong with this op

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 4:34pm
  • You are doing it too.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 10:09pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 6:04pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:55pm
  • Roll tide just sayin.....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:53pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:55pm
  • it's not the irish that you need to learn to out drink, it's the Scottish! We rule at knowing how to have a good time! You haven't been to a party till you've been to a Scottish one!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 7:28pm
  • Roll tide just sayin.....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:52pm
  • 10:10 can go fuck himself...actually he'd probably enjoy it. I bet he's American. You fat prick. Go watch some American football while we play real sports

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 10:22pm
  • i don't know how you getting wasted can make middle aged men look like teenage girls.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:38pm
  • Some people on here obviously don't get the joke. He doesn't mean he will get wasted until they LOOK like Mormon girls. He's referring to the stereotype that middle aged Irish men are typical drunks and Mormon girls are supposed to be very conservative. Therefore, he will get so wasted that Irishmen will look like Mormon girls compared to him.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 16, 10 at 8:31am
  • 6:40, you are the ass. You typed "ur" instead of "you're." It makes you look like a childish fuck. And that other guy is right. Fuck the Irish! Manchester United! Oh and I'd leave that asshole before he beats you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 6:51pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 6:03pm
  • I'm 5:20 and for the record the Yanks are horrible too but the Irish...may God have mercy on you drunk, fat terrorists

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 6:07pm
  • Haha Mormon girls are amazing. I almost regret moving from Utah just because I miss the eye candy.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 4:46pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:58pm
  • I live in Mormon country. \n\nBelieve me...they're the same thing.

    Submitted by TheTodControl on Jun 12, 10 at 12:48am
  • 10:57 I think is mixing Mormons up with either the Amish or the Jews

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 5, 10 at 9:50pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:53pm
  • Roll tide just sayin...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:49pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 6:00pm
  • Roll tide just sayin.....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:56pm
  • Roll tide just sayin...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:52pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:55pm
  • Wettest pussy I ever had was a phillipino Mormon girl...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 10:55pm
  • Roll tide just sayin...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:51pm
  • What's with the slutty "Mormon" girls on here who are probably 14 saying, "I'm a hot Mormon girl" when in reality they probably have no measurable chest size and think the idea of a fun time is going to build-a-bear? Please leave the Internet you skanky bitches, and stop acting like a bad ass. Thank you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 10, 10 at 12:06am
  • Roll tide just sayin.....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:59pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:56pm
  • Seriously? My boyfriend is Irish. 5:20, ur an ass. The Irish are awesome and have sexy accents!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 6:40pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:58pm
  • Mormon girls are hot

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 3:05pm
  • Roll tide just sayin...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 6:01pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 6:03pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:57pm
  • Just another lousy ass drunk. How do you start out getting wasted? You need help. Try AA.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:02pm
  • tits? Hairy chest? Bad teeth? I'd rather do a middle aged Irish guy in the ass than a Mormon bitch

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 3, 10 at 10:57pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 6:00pm
  • Roll tide just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:57pm
  • I'd believe this this crap if I was 10

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 11:07pm
  • I hate Mormons. It's a fucking cult!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:36pm
  • The Irish are the scum of this Earth.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 2, 10 at 5:20pm