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  • You probably dont want to know...

    Submitted by blackwellbitch on Mar 18, 10 at 10:36am
  • Marry a nice virgin, then you won't have anything to worry about. Oh wait

    Submitted by amonymous on Mar 18, 10 at 11:46am
    • Oh wait, what? Don't think there are any gorgeous virgins out there anymore? Because news flash, there is. You just go after white trash who don't even know what a virgin is.

      Submitted by KD_ on Mar 18, 10 at 12:02pm
  • Who says you'll marry someone who goes on spring break or even attends college? Bristol Palin tells America she's saving herself for marriage - but there's no guarantee she'll marry - it's done. No sex.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 18, 10 at 12:15pm
    • She is the posterchild for abstinence-only sex education. Daughter of an ultra-conservative female politician has sex outside of marriage with some douchebag frat boy and gets pregnant. AND THEN, not only does he LEAVE her, he milks the 15 minutes of fame and then becomes a porn star.

      Submitted by DerKarismatisch on Jul 13, 12 at 2:15pm
  • Hahaha solid

    Submitted by cantfeelmyface14 on Mar 18, 10 at 11:40am
  • I'm not horrible..

    Submitted by Pengz on Mar 18, 10 at 10:32am
  • She's in San Diego screwing every sailor in port..... Wanna see pictures?

    Submitted by ghostlight on Mar 18, 10 at 12:22pm
  • Well, all you'll ever be doing is imagining it!

    Submitted by CristinaY on Mar 18, 10 at 2:27pm
  • You should have said your future ex-wife.

    Submitted by CAAF on Mar 18, 10 at 6:33pm
  • Its not spring break yet though

    Submitted by rorasaur on Mar 19, 10 at 11:23pm
  • Oh... My bad, she said she said she was single :/

    Submitted by liamronan on Mar 18, 10 at 11:16pm
  • Probably about the same things she'll be doing with you. At least, until the honeymoon's over.

    Submitted by Herschel on Mar 18, 10 at 10:18pm
  • Stupid cunts

    Submitted by btchtts on Mar 18, 10 at 10:33am
  • Way to stay positive! Lol

    Submitted by agreek2nv on Mar 20, 10 at 5:01am
  • Sad but true.

    Submitted by Chalmers15 on Mar 19, 10 at 8:20am
  • Yes you are slut

    Submitted by feltch on Mar 18, 10 at 10:32am
  • Hahaha we met a bachelorette party down there... My friend fucked her on the beach, in the hottub, and on the balcony

    Submitted by unodostres on Mar 19, 10 at 2:52pm