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  • sketch is...fetch? hows that for a hatable word u fuckin bitchessssss

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 26, 09 at 2:24am
  • haters. sketch > sketchy. "that's real sketch" ... -y endings are disappearing from existence

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 12, 09 at 6:52pm
  • @dare2dream, people call pigeons rats w wings.

    Submitted by CthulhuWasHere on Aug 18, 10 at 6:26am
  • 916 and says "sketch"? Sweet. And.... I AGREE, about the squirrels especially. We should get together and hold a meeting for people who hate sketchy squirrels.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 12, 09 at 2:34am
  • LOL i know which college campus this is coming from (; ...i think.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 11, 09 at 6:09pm
  • Yeah I agree, come with it or don't come at all...Amazing!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 11, 09 at 2:22am
  • ducks fucking suck! so do monkeys! they always throw their shit at each other... i dont do that with my friends

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 27, 09 at 11:46pm
  • atticus is a great name for an attic squirrel. i hope he defends people's rights in court. boo radley would be another good name for an animal in an attic

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 15, 09 at 3:18pm
  • no, you wanna know something that's really sketchy? ELMO. There I said it!! ELMO!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 11, 09 at 9:29pm
  • Seriously?? Have none of you ever taken a drawing class?? Sketch is definitely a word. Sketchy is a form of it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 11, 09 at 7:36pm
  • Cows.. Cows are sketch as fuck. Even more so at night when your walking around the cow fields looking for magics.

    Submitted by RAVEgirl on Jul 21, 10 at 4:09am
  • We're conserving syllables for future generations to enjoy. Sactown's all about the environmentalism.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 26, 09 at 7:11am
  • Fuck chipmunks

    Submitted by spicyweiner on Feb 24, 10 at 7:49pm
  • ha ha, randomness. i love it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 11, 09 at 7:54pm
  • clowns are sketch as fuck

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 14, 09 at 5:38pm
  • 916 and you say "sketch"? what the fuck? you're a disgrace to your area code.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 11, 09 at 2:20am
  • hahaha tickle me this bitches... wtf..

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 11, 09 at 11:54pm
  • the squirrels at CSUS are hella sketch

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 12, 09 at 3:18am
  • You don't like it because it's an unword? Why you gotta be such an unword hater? You are the epitimological anticreativitistic! r.o.t.f.l.o.l!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 11, 09 at 3:01pm
  • Squirrels? Try freak cats who stack you out of no where. At least sketc squirrels don't freaking attack you

    Submitted by HamMx3 on Sep 5, 11 at 4:44pm
  • Has anyone realized that squirels dont have wings? They cant be "rats with wings" then. If youre gonna diss squirels atleast do it right!!!!!!

    Submitted by Dare2Dream on Aug 3, 10 at 1:29am
  • @dare2dream: we call um tree rats

    Submitted by eemes on Feb 1, 11 at 3:12am
  • ha do you go to auburn because they have some sketch squirrels running about

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 1:53am
  • you must be from the rio/arden area

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 12, 09 at 2:39am
  • rats with fluffy tails

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 21, 09 at 4:17pm
  • who actually gives a damn?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 6, 09 at 11:05am
  • Not as sketch as pigeons.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 11, 09 at 9:45am
  • I want an attic squirrel! boo is more of a basement or crawl space critter

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 22, 09 at 11:59am

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 11, 09 at 8:52am
  • I hate the word "sketch". Because it's not a word. Sketchy is ... and it's only one extra syllable. Come on, America, we can do this!

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 11, 09 at 10:44am
  • Racoons are sketch as fuck

    Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 17, 09 at 1:35am
  • whats really sketch is those friggen penguins

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 14, 09 at 10:25pm
  • @7:11 LMAFO!!

    Submitted by jprincess on Aug 28, 10 at 2:49pm
  • Who uses the word sketch in that form, are you really stoned or just retarded

    Submitted by bri6khous3 on Jul 19, 10 at 11:52pm
  • Polar Bears are sketch as fuck

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 14, 10 at 12:57pm
  • this is stupid. you're a disgrace to the 916. what are you, 15?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 6, 09 at 7:53pm
  • naw this is wrong i chill with squirrels and ducks all the time they always down

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 11, 09 at 6:36pm
  • Nobody says "sketch." That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Stay out of Southern California.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 5, 09 at 8:02pm
  • dude, i live in sac and everybody says sketch. you fuckers.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 22, 09 at 2:08am
  • I agree that squirrels are very sketchy. One just decided a week ago to start nesting in my attic. I have named his Atticus! but I'll be going up there with the crossbow soon if he doesn't leave soon

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 9:45pm
  • Sketch, Totes and Inappropes are words that need to be erased from texting lexicon immediately.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 12, 09 at 3:04pm
  • ok so is this UCD or sac sate?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 2, 09 at 11:04pm
  • 916 is awesome! Squirrels can suck it

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 14, 09 at 2:34am
  • all this sketching and the drawing isn't done yet?

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 13, 09 at 2:23am
  • the squirrels have wings where you live? that's awesome

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 12, 09 at 5:00pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 15, 10 at 2:14am
  • Who *doesn't* say sketch (or sketchy)?

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 11, 09 at 5:40am
  • I don't wanna see any sketches of ass fuck

    Submitted by annekohnduh on Nov 30, 10 at 1:20am
  • umm sketch is def a word in the sac area... and i disagree about the squirrels, theyre adorable.

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 12, 09 at 5:35pm
  • im in love with this.

    Submitted by rainarains224 on Nov 1, 10 at 12:51am
  • A friend of mine just "adopted" a baby squirrel he found in his yard actually

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 12, 09 at 10:32am
  • He talks to himself?

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 11, 09 at 6:11am
  • Rats with good Public Relations? Dude, thats sketch. Thats sketch as ducks..

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 11, 09 at 9:41am
  • who says sketch! Fuck you! Though I do hate squirrels, their rats with wings

    Submitted by Anonymous on May 12, 09 at 4:37pm
  • Hahahahah this hella made me laugh.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 3, 10 at 3:58am