The person meant she saw a baby get circumsized... you know, when they cut the skin off the penis? After seeing that, the person no longer has shit feelings towards those who have done her wrong.
It doesn't matter if female circumcision is more severe than male circumcision. It's still genital mutilation, and it should be left up to the person who owns the penis, not his parents.
Nvagboi you are an idiot I'm a male and circumcision is also part of some religions and also female circumcision is NOTHING like circumcision for a male dude you need to get your facts str8 before you say stupid things
For everyone who somehow doesn't get this; this was probably a girl in nursing school, we have to do rotations (e.g., clinical) and while she was doing her clinical rotation she saw a circumcision being performed. Not that confusing..
Yes and no clockworkgirl you also have to remember it is part of deep long running traditions for some religions and we all have to respect that regardless on how we feel it is still and always will be the parents choice on the matter
forced genital mutilation is wrong. at least let your sons make the decision themselves....... 'cause the only other option to make it fair would be to force mutilate daughters at birth too. pretty sure that isn't gonna happen in Western cultures soon.
female circumcision is not even close to being the same as male circumcision. it removes the clitoris and usually part of the labia, which would be the equivalent to cutting off the whole penis. way to be ignorant.
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