Love May 23, 2009 12:47AM - There's no way to describe it but the best thing in the world. Nothing else matters and you feel like you might be loosing your mind or going blind. IT'S GREAT! I'd have to say you'd have to ask another guy how to do it though. Either that or a girl who gets with girls. But kudos to you for wanting to make ladies happy! If you learn how you'll never have an empty bed! - 416
I love the fact that PA is reppin' the g-spot. those are kind of awesome. and i agree if you can find a guy that can provide them regularly, chain him to the bed. :D
whether it's by a guy or a girl, it's awesome. and um, yes, they are EXTREMELY rare. anyone who says otherwise has only watched sex happen through porn.
lmao this sounds like my mom and her friend OMG ewww and the sad thing is i live in the 717... EWWWW... they use that be jealous thing which is even sadder... gives me chills
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