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  • Nothing wrong with any of this except the 'uses teeth' part.

    Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on May 18, 12 at 8:48pm
  • And giraffes are heartless creatures.

    Submitted by AkSamwise on May 18, 12 at 1:09pm
    • I have gotten up early to eat all the leaves off this tree. And then, when other giraffes get up, there will be no leaves. And they will DIE.

      Submitted by DerKarismatisch on Jul 4, 12 at 8:19pm
  • dated a girl like that, worst four months of bjs in my life...

    Submitted by dae123 on May 18, 12 at 9:42pm
  • I use teeth when I give head, if you know what you're doing it shouldn't be a problem. My boyfriend prefers a little teeth now.

    Submitted by methodtomadness on May 18, 12 at 8:16pm
    • Some guys like it other guys don't just like how much pressure they want in the handy part of the bj. I forgot who I was with one and the guy yelled "what the f do you think you are doing!" I didn't want to explain why I just tried to twist his dick off.

      Submitted by GAEA_KALI on May 18, 12 at 11:03pm
      • one guy wanted me to practically draw blood. That made me a little uncomfortable.

        Submitted by GAEA_KALI on May 18, 12 at 11:04pm