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  • pretty sure like 75% of the girls in my kindergarten class either dropped out or got knocked up or both.

    Submitted by ladydisdain on Jul 3, 12 at 4:10pm
  • lmao is there anyone who hasn't "checked up" on the girls when they were kids in school? better question who has actually contacted them

    Submitted by nunubeest on Jul 3, 12 at 4:11pm
    • Me. It really doesn't matter to me what the people from my life 30 years ago are doing now. Haven't been to any of my high school reunions either. I may have more days behind me than ahead but I'm still looking forwards rather than back.

      Submitted by GetOffMyLawn on Jul 3, 12 at 9:20pm
    • HUH, I am female but the second I logged into facbook the first time other female classmates from kindergarten had requests waiting for me under my name.

      Submitted by GAEA_KALI on Jul 3, 12 at 9:56pm
  • If you were their teacher, yes you do!

    Submitted by porksword on Jul 3, 12 at 6:04pm
  • I reconnected with a few of mine. a bully I had in middle school found Jesus and apologized for everything. kinda cool to see how people grow up. oh, and my first crush is a single mom now.

    Submitted by SpartanSaint on Jul 3, 12 at 6:28pm
    • U might have a chance with her if she is single

      Submitted by funkjunk on Jul 3, 12 at 6:57pm
      • why he's already tapped that why take someones leftovers you already chewed up before him

        Submitted by nunubeest on Jul 3, 12 at 6:59pm
  • I do that all the time!!

    Submitted by johnnysaywhatnow on Jul 3, 12 at 3:00pm
  • Lol so true I wood do that to

    Submitted by andrea0502 on Jul 3, 12 at 2:47pm
  • I've never done this, I didnt like them then. Def not going to like grown bitches. Which is why I don't search and I'm not searchable.

    Submitted by GA_Peach on Jul 3, 12 at 8:17pm
    • I didn't go to school with you peach but I'd search you... Er for you lol.

      Submitted by MzKitty08 on Jul 3, 12 at 9:41pm
      • Very sweet :) I am a nerd and my most of my memories of school are not pleasant. My inexplicable ability to piss people off is in most facets of my life. *shrugs*

        Submitted by GA_Peach on Jul 4, 12 at 3:27am
        • I'll make a email to give you

          Submitted by MzKitty08 on Jul 21, 12 at 1:43pm
        • Likewise! Got tagged in a photo from elementary school days, everyone was reminiscing in the comments and I just basically told everyone I'm glad I left for a different school district.

          Submitted by DerKarismatisch on Aug 26, 12 at 11:10pm
      • Do you talk to the other kitty offline? Hmmm I might make a new email to talk to you and other wonderful friends off here.

        Submitted by GA_Peach on Jul 4, 12 at 3:33am
        • no sadly I do not... but there are a couple of people I'd like to chat with lol

          Submitted by MzKitty08 on Jul 4, 12 at 2:37pm
  • lol nunu I wasn't tapping a goddamn thing in third grade.

    Submitted by SpartanSaint on Jul 3, 12 at 9:39pm
  • Isn't that what friendface was originally for? Now we act like it's some secret shame, Search away if they didn't want to be searched by people they don't even remember then they wouldn't be on there

    Submitted by GAEA_KALI on Jul 3, 12 at 9:53pm
    • Well, to be fair, people use it to network and promote thier buisnesses as well. But there is linked in for that

      Submitted by GAEA_KALI on Jul 3, 12 at 9:54pm