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  • Birthday sex should never be random, it's expected. Like sunrise and income tax.

    Submitted by Yeep on Oct 6, 12 at 11:27am
  • Even your head? That's dedication

    Submitted by wildcatsbabe527 on Oct 6, 12 at 2:13pm
  • yeah because birthdays are random

    Submitted by gabraham on Oct 6, 12 at 4:09pm
  • Shaved EVERYTHING? Who is he, Powder? Should have got him lightning in a bottle.

    Submitted by lusian3 on Oct 6, 12 at 11:31am
  • and now you have stubble. go shave right before. no one wants to fuck sandpaper

    Submitted by plygtr85 on Oct 6, 12 at 9:38pm
  • Shaving EVERYTHING, birthday specific and stalker calls. Far from random, more like meticulously planned. Certainly a canivin fat bitch.

    Submitted by JJdoggie on Oct 6, 12 at 11:24am