that's one loose giner, i can put my fingers all the way in and hit the cervix...i dont know how anything can get LOST in there, unless she's a fucking whale.
As the poster of this particular gem
a. I'm female
b. she came over to my place AFTER it got stuck
c. giner is fucking hlarious
d. If your vagina is all slippery it's REALLY hard to get ahold of anything lost in there and
e. she has a huge vagina. Seriously. You don't understand. And as for the poster who says vaginas are four inches long.... well, explain how she got a wine bottle in there. The fat part. Like, halfway.
'giner' is pretty ridiculous. ive definitely had this happen, and believe me, its pretty fucking difficult to find. not that theres a large amount of space to lose it in, just mid-sex when you notice its missing everything is slightly swollen and kind of... slippery. when you cant see down there youre kinda just guessing on whats what
it makes sense the poster is a female. no guy talks like that. i mean thats not the first time ive heard giner. my best friend says it and shes a girl. so ya makes sense its a girl
and ummm ... wine bottle? really?
Come on, the use of "giner" shows the relative level of n00bishness of the OP, especially when one takes into consideration the fact that he thinks TONGS will help.
I LOL'd.
LMAO I had this happen to me one time. We spent a good 15 minutes loking for it, and I didn't realize where it was until the next day. In case though, I think the condom was too small....
this has happened to me three times (all different girl-friends). that is why i no longer wear condoms and have them convinced that i was the one who invented pulling out. bam.
I just thought I'd throw the miley cyrus thing out there too. And I've seen tear gas flush out bank robbers with guns, I doubt a sissy ass condom could withstand it. And I was being funny.
the actual vagina is 4 inches long, after that your in the .. whatever is past that
you can only feel the first four inches.
thats why its all about width not length
dont believe us?
google it or ask a doctor
they'll tell you the same trust me
i have a vagina i should know
12:23- wtf does miley cyrus have to do with tongs, lost condoms or any of the horrible things you suggested to get the condom out with? tear gas? your fucked in the head.
First, wearing a condom that fits would be smart.
Second, gotta agree with everyone, giner is not the right word...try....ham wallet or meat locker.
Third, if her vag is big enough that you cant find it you could probably just spread the bitch and look in there for it lol.
haha, 12:29.... probably was a whale.
giner funny... and yes i just had the adult where's waldo happen to me the other night. we looked every where, and oh! thats where it was!
giner. that's good.
friend of mine actually had her bf take her to the ER when this happened to her. they got there and it was in her underwear. had fallen out on the car ride. Tell her to be vertical for a while.
haha.. well if you were having sex in the first place, cause im assuming youre not married..
you wouldnt hvae to worry about a condom getting stuck and you wouldnt have to worry about your plan b because there would be no use for it...
I never understood this situation. Like HOW BIG IS YOUR 'GINER' THAT YOU LOSE SOMETHING IN IT? The vagina is ~4 inches long. (Go google that shit before you argue with me.) That's not long enough to lose something up it.
haha im also a girl
but the context of this text would suggest that regardless of the correct anatomical name for each particular part, the condom was lost
therefore anyone saying how can it get lost in there if its only 4 inches is wrong
in a way, 1.00.. we are agreeing
dude that shit happened to me and i told my best friend right when it happened and she put it on speaker phone for all of mine and my boyfriends friends to hear. it was so embarrassing. worst moment of my life.
1:00 you're an idiot. The 4in. of vagina leads to the cervix, the opening to the uterus. And unless you are about to give birth, it is tightly closed preventing anything but sperm, germs, and periods through. So there is no where for the condom to go besides the vaginal canal.
First, stop thinking you can wear large condoms. You're not fooling anyone. Second, instead of using the word "giner" try funpouch. Third, fuck miley cyrus. Fourth, if you can't get it out try jamming a hose up her funpouch and flushing that fucker out. And if that doesn't work, try a.......vacuum? Then tear gas.
The main reason this happens is because they are too small. I have to use the golden wrapper because when I use durex lifestyle regular sized ones they either snap( all the time) or I can't get the fuckers on and they fall off. Extra tight vag is also a main cause
I think its hilarious! Trojan condoms are the worst about slipping even if the guy's penis is big. Try Durex. Also, its the guy's job to reach in and pull it out. It can't float past the cervix, ya know!
This used to happen all the time to girls I was fucking. I eventually realized that it was because the condom was too small. If guys wear the proper size, then this shouldn't happen
"And if that doesn't work, try a.......vacuum? Then tear gas."
Surely you would notice it starting to slip? And surely you would adjust it? But then again.. surely you would be wearing a condom that fits.
but for real. Tongs? TONGS. Its not a fucking barbeque mate. Unless she's lost some shrimp in there too, you're doing it wrong.
folks, i think we are missing the point. he was looking for tongs! go into the kitchen and pull out your tongs...what the F was he going to do with those? i vote no.
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