dude, you may have gotten a yeast infection on your junk. Lotromin will clear that up in a day or two. If that doesn't work then you probably have herpes.
Dude its so bad. I had Protected sex with my gf of 6 months and she gave it to me. Glad with the Salve it got rid of the visibility and your body cures it on its own. But yeah hpv ftl
Condoms don't block Genital Warts or Herpes with anything near the rate they block bacterial diseases or HIV...all that extra skin contact. At least those are the two "least deadly."
@1:11, Wiki it, look at the images, and prepare to vomit. Just like herpes, even if you treat it, the virus still stays in your system and you can still get outbreaks later on.
Yeah some shank gave it to me at college even after a condom was used. Several months passed and I had a small colliflower like growth at the base of my penis. Went to the doc and he froze it, turned black and fell off couple days later
Condons have a 99,9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% chance of NOT having any problem :)
That is why I have had sex with so many hookers;)
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