glad my latex allergy prevents me from being a one-night stand whore
Everytime she opens her mouth it's like a fucking terrorist attack on my life.
i was picked up off the floor by a stripper, if thats not a new life low then i dont know what is.
talk of her extensive whoreness has crossed oceans. thats impressive.
Why is there blood and lettuce everywhere?
its likemy ribs anf my hesrt aew cuddlingn
Lots of alcohol. 3rd graders fuck me now.
Auto correct or actual 3rd graders?
This bowl of cereal would be the size of a giant's bowl-piece. It's. that. big.
How much did you smoke??
And I would just like to take the time to say my boobs look great today.
Starting St Patrick's Weekend, non stop flights on Pacific Whorelines to the scenic HotMessXpress. Get the cougars ready, it's gonna get weird.
You just kept walking around in a circle saying "well played 6th street well played" before falling over.
Do one night stands count towards my number?
Yes. A penis is a penis
Even bad ones?
But he said I was unpatriotic for not having sex with him. What was I suppose to say to that?
There are twenty eight units in that building. There has to be at least one heterosexual in it. You can't have fucked your way through all of it.
Either im seeing the northern lightgs, someone is having a rave, or im on acid.. Im most likely on acid