Are you guys doing anything tonight?
at some point when you're making out with the ex girlfriend of your ex fuck buddy who happens to be the ex boyfriend of the girl that you just got drunk with who was hitting on your current fuck buddy who is best friends with your ex boyfriend, it just hits you: oh my god i need to get out more and expand my social circle.
Spent the last thirty minutes staring at the wall with Leah. It's definitly moving
Pulling over on the side of the road to set off fireworks was the worst idea you have ever had. I don't care if it was called a friendship pagoda.
I heard liver failure is in for 2012 anyways
Makes Sense, i generally dont want the same person two days in a row. Its like what i pick for supper, i like variety
We should probably go now, otherwise the whores will descend.
Just got your message from Saturday. Shove all the kittens down your pants? Really?
I was emotionally compromised.
the day has come. I have finally reached the point in my life where I just don't give a fuck about anything anymore. it's beautiful!
Duuuuuuuuuuck. and by that i mean fruuuuuuuuck. and by that i mean fuuuck
fuck you
also please return my underwear, they were one of my favourite pairs xo
Everything is fine, it's not hung over in here at all\n\n*Narrator* *but in fact everything was not fine*
Did I just pee in the Taco Bell parking lot?
Yep. But do you remember wiping with my quesadilla?
She has my name on her bucket list. I’m either getting laid or killed