The weather is perfect in Seattle right now. Warm enough for girls to not wear bras, but cold enough for me to see them nipping out in the shade.
Considering last night's endeavors, I am going to hell 5 times over. 1 for puking on a hobo, 1 for laughing about it, and 3 for remembering it today and laughing about it sober
He smothers me through text. I can't even image what he'd be like in person.
theres gunna be a new season of 16 and pregnant on mtv...WHERE DO THEY KEEP FINDING THESE IGNORANT PREGNANT GIRLS
i'll never see her again. i cant remember her last name. this is like cinderella except prince charming drank too much jameson and couldnt save a phone number properly
So....maintenance found the bullethole.....
We're trying to decide between cracker barrel an the ER
Zip lining have a big frozedn drink with 151 rum chippendale pic life is GREAT
After we drank 3, we built a raft out of the empties and installed the fourth submerged In the water to keep it cool. Keg boats are now a thing
I'm going through what feels like a break up with beer. I'm emotionally distraught from it's lack of presence.
I want a battle ostrich, get me a battle ostrich and then come and make love to me
I met a gypsy today. She told me my soul animal was an owl and says she will now remember me as "Owl Girl".
250 people in this lecture & my prof asks who already drank green beer this morning& is drunk right now. I WAS THE ONLY ONE TO RAISE MY HAND
I don't give a shit if you judge. This isn't about you or anyone else. This is about me and my chicken tenders.
She's trying to change her flight... IM BEING COCKBLOCKED BY DELTA CUSTOMER SERVICE