It was so romantic--he turned me around to face the sunset during doggy-style over the couch back.
Too many people are naked here for this to be normal.
It's sad because pictures are supposed to say a thousand words, and theirs just say 'fat'
Oh and fyi, I've been drinking and about to do free weights. I'll late you know how this goes.
They're watching TV in bed. The Golden Girls to be exact. Aaaand I just heard them singing along with the theme song. I love living with gays.
My mom just looked at me while watching the fireworks and asked if it reminded me of how I felt after sex. I'm so uncomfortable.
Oh and no more ball pics to my family. Got in a little trouble over that. They have no sense of humor.
I will keep you posted and someday if we daydrink teach you how to do a footjob
Either that or he's gagged in a strangers trunk right now.
Well I suppose either way he's learning a pretty tough lesson right now.
Sex should not remind me of how baby birds get fed
Stop confusing me with every girl you know that doesn't like sex.
...blackout vacation is awesome. Where did you end up? I think i'm in Miami.
He’s like an awkward walking penis that has a personality attached
I don't know who's idea it was to get wine for a frat party but my poor pitiful hung over self really fucking hates them.