Did you read the article making fun of the right wing extremists? How they organized this 'tea party', and to propagate it they would mail teabags to their senators? And it became a verb...they had posters saying 'teabag obama!' yeah...
A message to Mrs Obama perhaps?
Me= Watching Ferngully. My neighbor= Having really loud sex including multiple orgasms
Oh God
I know, but the worst part is I'm not really sure which I'd rather be doing. Feel free to re-evaluate our friendship
we were taking shots of hot tequila, which is even worse than it sounds
I wish real life had facebook tags so i could figure out who all these people are
She forced me to throw up so it would "rejuvenate" me. It worked and then we took six more shots and did a keg stand. You know what I call that? Friendship.
it was like a zeppelin in a condom
nothing like baby laughter to ruin a masturbation moment
I should probably just look up vagina pictures in the anatomy textbook. That always cheers me up.
My neighbor Chris is here. I am warning you, he is wearing a kilt I just saw his balls. Be incredibly careful that you don't see what I did.
You know my ex in high school who cheated on me and dumped me right before prom? A decade later, I just saw her again...working at an Arby's. it was a good day...
Some girl at my gym just tried to casually drop the fact she can kegel 3 lbs...
Seriously. All I want right now is a 40 with a nipple on it, and a nap
...I just added shower water to my vodka on ice\n#sendhelp
I woke up with a jacket; in it passport, hockey tickets, sunglasses, credit card, bank transactions
After we finish having sex, he smokes an honest to God pipe. It's like fucking a big, sexy Sherlock Holmes...