It was like riding a jackhammer on a train during an earthquake. THAT amazing.
There's going to be a pool, lightsabers and alcohol. What could go wrong?!
Status Uddate: I lost half a tooth and Alison is taking Amy Grant requests via bullhorn
Why yes actually, getting stoned and reading an AARP magazine IS totally where I wanted my night to end!
Mid way while flirting with this super hot chick at the bar, he gets up and says no thanks I'm only 19 and gay just waiting for my buddy to hurry up and get with your friend.
You better keep a close eye on your uterus tonight cause I am looking good.
Youll thank me when youre dead an dont have a cat eating your face
Don't they also have a lot of serious head injuries?
I didn't say I wanted to marry one of them. Or that I want one to perform surgery on me. I just want to have hot, dirty, MMA style sex.
Looks like I've become the Walter White of my PhD cohort.
You know what would make the espn body photos even better? If anyone knew who any of those fucking athletes were. That, and maybe not feature Gary Player.
Look at the picture I MADE him take with why??? He's holding my foot?
I actually had to apologize for "being too aggressive about harry potter"
He stopped mid-fuck to explain his choice in pillows. HE WAS STILL IN ME!
We could have fun in a cardboard box. Think of the damage we could do at an amusement park!
Our conversation went from you choking me to my quarter life crisis reeeaaalllll quick.