That's ok. Our relationship has a solid foundation of booze and questionable behavior.
At what point did we agree that playing bocchi ball on the way to the liquor store was a good idea?
Sharon took in a random bleeding stranger drunker than her, named her Nicole, and is feeding her jello shots on the toilet
I just wanted to let you know that this afternoon I took a piss at the same toliet you drank out of on New Years Eve.
You know its a good sign when a girl asks who everyone is AFTER she flashes her tits to the room.
One good thing about being a mom now, I can tell which guys I'm dating were breastfed and which weren't... By the way they latch on to my breast during sex! Kinda kills the mood.
Apparently all year they've been using me as a standard of drunkenness
Sorrye. The bathtuv says hi. But theresno water in it. I've wanted too tell you for the longest, but nevr could
You know I found it really difficult to find a full lenght picture for the egg donor site where I wasn't holding any alcohol...
I see your walk of shame and raise you a day in jail wearing a girls old workout clothes.
But really- as the voice of your vagina I am BEGGING you to do it. If not for yourself than for your poor innocent puss
Do you think I could get someone from tinder to drive me to the airport?
Was your wine and cheese snap taken from the toilet?
I love you. Go after that dick
It's slightly odd going to a booty call during morning rush hour with everyone else going to work.