I hate u. Im listening to lady gaga and all i can hear is boca base om om om ommmm
He looks like Spencer from the game Dreamphone
My passouts and memory loss are great training for when I have alzheimers. You'll know where to look when I get lost.
throwing up turkey will be a nice break from throwing up ramen
was this before of after we tobbganned into that tree?
okay, this game isn't funny anymore. tell us where all the forks are.
get back quick. that 17 year old who peed on your car wants to do shots.
Is it worth it to drive to a zoo with a high possibility of sex at said zoo?
I lull them into a false sense of security with my gayness. Then when they're vulnerable, I strike, like a snake. A big non-gay snake, with huge balls.
As he walked by me and gave me his dreamy smile full of dimples all i could think was 'I gave you chlamydia'.
It's cool dude. The dank is in the form of premade smores with honey grahm crackers, marshmallow cream and 420 brand choc. bars. NV weed laws have nothing on me.
Nothing like a little " am I gonna shit myself " to spice up the work day
I don't even care that it's before church. I feel like God actually wants me to have this shower beer.
you asked me how to turn on the ladder
Somebody put William Shatner singing Bohemian Rhapsody on the jukebox, and the whole bar is about to riot.