I like it. Barfy the gin-flavoured Assman
Question. If Kwik Trip and Kum and Go were to merge, what would they call it? Kwik Kum or Kum Kwik?
hapi new year, hope this year brings u happiness and lots of sexi people ;)
stop writing like that.
I haven't even gone in yet. I'm sitting in the waiting room playing a game i like to call "Who else is here for AA".
I doubt the Taliban would support fake nipples.
Dude, somewhere around here makes 4loko slushies. I just decided coming home isn't so bad.
Teflon bitches. Nothing fucking sticks to this kid, not even a kid. Maury Povitched this shit outta that situation.
Do you think it's illegal to work at a bar if you're on probation for a DUI? I need a night job where I can meet men.
Ugh..Yesterday was a complete alcohol fueled shit show. Not making eye contact with anyone today. Don't deserve it. Eye contact is for decent people.
Directions to your booty call: go down the part of Route 66 that has all the car dealerships, motels and bad decisions, go past the Christian college and turn left at the Children's Center.
If you gave someone an std. would you say a muffin basket, a candy gram or an edible arrangement is a better choice to send them?
There's a dryer on fire at the laundromat, and everyone's just standing around taking pictures. Except me. I'm texting.
So he has moved up to a stage 5 clinger...Surprised he didn't try to lure you into bed with tacos, like he did last time
Yeah... akward. I don't want a round 2
i feel like the girl with kaleidoscope eyes except the kaleidoscopes are sparkly butt plugs
If I hear that song one more time I will drive to hell and make John Lennon eat my ass.