I work with a guy that has a strong spanish accent. He just said "I have a plethora of ..." and I busted out into laughter b4 he finished his sentence b/c it reminded me of 3 amigos.
I'm sorry for the crack den comment. You have a lovely apartment.
I swear god or herbie drove my car home
On that note; HAPPY 21: THE SEQUEL from the back of an ambulance!!
I've ID'd the nipple biter.
Snuck into a camper in someone's yard. Hotboxing. Can't wait until they go in it.
it would be cheaper just to buy a dildo to intimidate people with.
I'd hate to be 100% hetero. Pretty sure they have less orgies
The problem with that is that my car has been stolen
Ive been thinking this might sound random.. But we need a piano in our house next year specifically for railing chicks on it.
It was literally 8 o'clock in the morning. His horniness knows no bounds.
Yeah I was just reminiscing about that time a seagull shit on your head at the beach
what do you mean he's functionally heterosexual
dude, next time you say lets go on an adventure, tell me if there are going to be psychotrophics involved before hand.
How are they?
Amazing! These new boobs are going to break blouse buttons and wedding vows!