I'm 3 blocks south of you watching drag queens.
elementary school lunch room party. everyone brings their own lunch and can trade stuff. all juice is booze.
I'm afraid my bank account can't handle syllabus week.
we need a dd. For wednesday. At lunch. What are we doing with our lives?
I woke up naked on the bathroom floor. the tile grout marks on my boobs hurt, i mananged to use a roll toilet paper as a pillow. never again. did we eat salad?
im proctoring the SATs right now and im still drunk from last night. i really wanna tell these kids that this fucking test doest mean shit and they will just be constantly drunk once in college.
will you please explain to me as to why or how i have a dirtbike tread looking bruise on my back?
Why doesn't he get that I would rather give him blow jobs than be in a relationship?
Bring fortys. we have the duct tape. its onnn mothafuckaaaa
No memories of receiving this. Or of getting home. Or of apparently developing a taste for marmalade, which I assume is yours because I have literally never eaten it before. It's all over the kitchen. And my phone. And in my hair. Oh god I wish I wasn't on the train to work. X And sorry about the kitchen x
bro i dont care how hot she was, you try keeping it up with the amount of puppet he had in her room, it was like fucking in jeff dunham's house
We had to go. She called the bartender a thundercunt.
You can't give me tequila around boys who have girlfriends. That ain't new.
How bad was it?
Stopped drinking Sunday, hungover on Tuesday bad.
it was all good until mid make out when he announced 'i just came'. ...he wasn't joking.