so how much must it suck for him to know that the penis of his best man has been in his wife's mouth before?
Drinking at work by myself... My boss just walked into me copying my face on the copy machine..
I really don't want to. I just don't know how to nicely say "dude I'm having a rough time in life right now and I just need to dress like a stripper cop, get shit faced, and have dirty crazy sex"
I'll start choreographing the sperm rain dance now
She sucks. And I almost hooked up with a clown last night
I feel like death crawled up inside me and died. That sick
His roommates are gone so we had sex in every room of the house and watched the wire. What have you done today?
I'm fucking sick of guys. I think I'm going to date myself. No drama. And I know I'll always put out.
But no. So do not give him one damn penny. Unless they are in a sock and you are hitting him with it.
Being drunk isn't an excuse for eating all of the bacon asshole
I don't want my vagina anymore.
Don't put me in that position. I am not qualified to be the responsible adult here.
But unlike the human Walter the plant Walter will someday grow to satisfy my needs
Am I the only one who finds it completely appropriate to pre-game our Brazilians?
I'll text you tomorrow when I'm not in someone's torture cave if I don't by noon call for help.