Today a TA in one of my classes told me he thought I was 35 and going back to school as an adult learner. Alcohol is working me.
Apparently 151 is to me what spinach is to popeye.
I just jerked it so loud the neighbor banged on their floor. maybe my wife got the point
i kinda regret how quickly i gave it up to him, but i just wanted the regular fucking to begin soon. ah we made good memories.
I opened a jar of Ragu so I could use it as a cup. You tell me how it's going.
in fingerprint form on my ass. Seriously not cool. \ni bruiiiseeee like a delicate fruiiiitttt. Heeeaaarrr the rythymmm
I am nonfunctional stoned. I had to ask ben to put me somewhere away from all the people I'm sitting on someones bed watching a wall. Not alright. Should not have come.
Between the dance party in the car and the distraction of the momma bear and two cubs im a cops wet dream roght now when comes to wreckless driving.
The way I see it, everyone on campus has a fake, but I'm the only person who actually makes beer in their dorm.
The fact that he just came out makes his Lent commitment to give up gay sex so much more meaningful now.
The amount of precision it takes to urinate into a 2 liter bottle while hammered is undeniably difficult.
I didn't know your ex looked like a male Khloe Kardashian?
pesky things like morals, self-preservation and cowardice are not needed. overkill is nothing but a word. there will be blood.
Don't do tequila. The Devil himself spits into shot glasses and we call it tequila. You will do bad things.
Greetings from Florida; the armpit of the US, where my 240something lb brother nearly got carried away by some aggressive woodland mosquitoes. I was only spared because they could probably sense I was currently semi-disassociating and would not feel the suffering their presence wrought.
Anyway, how was your day?