Did you read the article making fun of the right wing extremists? How they organized this 'tea party', and to propagate it they would mail teabags to their senators? And it became a verb...they had posters saying 'teabag obama!' yeah...
A message to Mrs Obama perhaps?
Well, it's 24 hours till finals. I need high A's on all of them and I still am not sure where exactly on campus most of my classes took place.
worst night to have a conscience
Party in the USA is so catchy!
Yea, so is AIDS.
My boss just gave me full permission to come into work wasted this weekend.
I just want you to know IcyHot in the ear is weird. Don't ask.
she got pretty angry when i tried to superglue her fingers together.
She's been drinking and was roller blading. I'm sure you can do the math
I'm gonna be a few minutes late, some asshole just fell off the ferry so we had to stop.
That bitch makes my crazy look like a walk in the park with cotton candy
It's gay softball weekend. Lots of hot gay strangers to go home with.
Have you ever hotboxed under your comforter? Best. Decision. Ever.
It's a sexual break up. We maintain a friendship and leave any and all sexual attraction out. It's not hard, having a baby is harder than that.
I was so high last night I honestly think my tears were medicinal
beach body workouts will consist of dancing and cocaine, and sugar free redbull