Can I come over?
Can't... I'm at class right now.
No your not
I'm outside by your car.
just a heads up, there may or may not be a mailbox full of the leftover beer on the table in your basement.
So can you tell me who's underwear is on the cat?
She's "scared" of blowjobs, so she just played with it for a while.
Yep we found him face down in my sister's bathroom begging for blowjobs without mustard
they would be such cute babies and they would grow up to have huge dicks. and that would make me proud as a mother
Well if he truly loves me he will just have to accept my flaws. And that includes a tequila dependency and borderline lesbianism.
I swear my vagina formed calluses just to deal with how big he is
He says he won't get serious until he screws an Asian and a virgin. I should just place an ad on Craig's List
Wanted: female 18-24 of Asian or partial Asian descent to fuck my ginger boyfriend. Must be willing and able to fake virginity. No emotional connection needed, just sex, just once. Further contact post sex not needed (or particularly desired)
Hey do you eat chocolate chip pancakes with bacon in?
i dont get why youre mad at me. i promised you he looked like jim morrison and you failed to ask me like which era
It's all fun and games until you have to pay the bar tab.
so is it socially acceptable to send her an "i got my man back you whore" card?
I can see. My condolences to your vagina.
fuck st louis. fuck their hockey. fuck their basball. fuck their football if they still got it. fuck their tiddlywinks teamm. fuck their ribs. fuck their entire city. what im trying to say is i dont like st louis