Wow.. I was doing a mental check of my bank balance & I literally just said to myself: 'I have 27 dollars and a bottle of tequila til tuesday-ill be fine'
Tell Heather sorry for burning her hair. Also for anything else that I may have done that warrants and apology. Anything after about 10pm is kind of hazy.
Is it wrong to want to cut a hole in the Tigger suit so I can molest you while I wear it?
You deserve yourself a blunt and a build a bear.
Were taking tot shots. If toddlers could drink these are the size of shots they would take
Whatevss it will be funn .. Hopefully no one projectile vomits on the wall again.. Its kinda become a tradition though
I think I just got a contact from my own exhale. Def dying.
Give me one reason I shouldn't put the phrase "sex emotions" into my essay.
Seriously. All i can say is im covered in mud, my jaw hurts, i cannot straighten my arm, egg is everywhere, and there is a dead squirrel.
He kept saying I needed to go to the hospital and it just made me want to call him a pussy so I went to bed
he probably thinks i inited him over to have sex but really i just want to show him 90's music videos
Is there evidence of another human being getting away with this/ not dying?
It felt like I was on painkillers mixed with Molly mixed with the sinking feeling I'll die alone. 10/10 doing again.
No I don't. You owe me sex and cinnamon rolls.
I don't care that he's really strong. I need him to make me cum not fix my back problems