He made sure to throw up on the Mexico side of the border while we were in line at the check point. Then finished by screaming you an have it back. You can have it all back.
So there I was.....spitting on my goldfish just to keep it alive.
he stopped making out with me and said "can I make you grilled cheese? I feel like I owe YOU something"
Not quite sure what happened last night. I'll drive your dresser over to you later.....
Also, we should really buy some bandaids. Right now I'm using toilet paper and scotch tape, but I don't really think that's sanitary.
So my grandma sent me a valentines day present of waterproof mascara, tissues, and chocolate. Way to reinforce that I'll be single and depressed on valentines day. Thanks grandma.
I managed to fit my wallet, my keys, my phone, Tammy's necklace, and $38.50 all in my bra. and $1.50 is in quarters. go me.
so some random man just messaged me on facebook "tig ol bitties" should i be concerned?
yea, their son has been arrested on more than one occassion, their daughter is pregnant and their other daughter graduated but she was adopted, so clearly genes are everything.
Just came during my obgyn appt. I need to get laid.
My boss just called me for legal advice. What has my life become?
Ps I got my nipple pierced. You're just gonna have to accept me for the tool I am and I don't wanna hear any shenanigans.
Blow job season was short but glorious.
he said he was going to fuck me like a rabbit in heat. What he should have said was faster then a train and over before a commercial
I love you even if you are fucked up. If you fall, i'll just get on top of you.