Dork........ .......... .. . ...... ........... .. . ... ...... .. . .... ..... .. .... ... .......... .... . . ..... Yeah its morse code, no big deal
These 3 days between Christmas and new years when all the bosses are on vacation are essentially a competition to see who can do the least amount of work
No. Especially when my uncle started stripping. Too many shots. So that's where I get that from.
In case you were wondering, my scare crow is wearing your outfit from last night.
I really want to title the album "I want to make sex with your face" but I also want a job someday. Temptations, temptations.
I mean, once you help another girl drunker than you zip her jeans you can't help but be friends after that
We talk about tequila and blow jobs the way that normal people talk about the news and the weather.
I had sex with a Dutch boy on a rock last night. Happy graduation! x x
I've learned life lessons in Vegas. Mostly, drugs are cheaper than alcohol.
Could we try to replay the decision making process whereby only you and I bought and drank a keg this weekend? Because there were some fundamental flaws!
I threw a beer bottle at the bartender and pissed myself. Somehow, I didn't get kicked out.
If I'm going to keep blacking out this much I need to start taking more pictures.
How much of a thot would I be if I put this pic up? On a scale of thot-ish to Queen of Thotlandia
I hooked up with a sophomore, passed out at midnight, and apparently drunkenly peed on Nicole's wedding invitation
That sounds good. I'd totally blow you somewhere quick but im not in the frame of mind to think of a place
Be outside in 5