He is such a slut. More and more my type.
Exactly how deep of a burn should you have when you pee before becoming legitimately concerned?
hey got me stoned for the first time when i was 14. there is no bond stronger
Forgot to mention...Pamela Anderson has HPV, so i feel like im in good company
I think a used vibrator from amazon.com is a great valentines day gift foe my ex.
Then you can skip the embarrassing can I date your ex since you're a lesbian now conversation
I have bruises on my ass from her spurs. God bless Texas.
she tried to handfeed me fritos while yelling "PENIS TRAIN"
What I do when I'm blackout drunk is none of my business.
I was trying to fart in my sleep in the hopes that he would leave
Yes I did. Thanks. I was actually an hour and half early. I'm better at public transport than I thought. Guy behind me on the bus is also crying. We compared cry-snot. It was nice in a weird sad way.
what the hell makes you think you get to decide what your going to wear at our weding!?
I someohow managed to lose my butt plug in tne midst of moving to B.C. and I am not a happy camper.
Well I finally got to say all the things I wanted to say. Including telling him he looks like a naked mole rat
You're up at 3AM, right? I have a very important question.
You know the Wendy's on route 6, by Kohls? Do you know if it has a drive through?
Yes it does.