I've decided through careful research we can out drink any country folk.
I guess there's a 50 percent chance that it was her that wet my bed.
I am currently trying to use a tide to go pen to remove the jizz from my backseat, it's not working...
Please explain to me what this has to do with my fantasy to fuck larry king?
I threw up so much beer last night that my puke had a nice head on it.
I wish I was that guy from the miller light commercials so I could walk into parties and take peoples beer without getting yelled at
Not just anyone can homewreck on three continents simultaneously
you are my hero
Eating in charleston sc at a seafood place called "hymans". Like normal I had no problem finding it.
I think I might.. possibly.. like a Justin Bieber song.
I think you might... possibly... have sprouted a vagina.
My night sucks. It's really hard to masturbate with a broken finger.
your facebook page is a work of drunk art.
I like making it seem like it's at least a little bit difficult to hook up with me
And that facial hair. He might as well shave it so it spells "douche" on one cheek and "nozzle" on the other.
Personally, I'm gonna be Sexy Dobby the House Elf.
Flirting with/getting ready to possibly sleep with a married HS classmate and getting added to a bible study group chat within minutes of each other. #Balance