he's got a countert top full of yard sale blenders so id say maragita wednesdays is a go.
Chasing tequila with honey. Ill let you know how it turns out.
If I come back covered in mud topless and banging on your door, please have a warm towel ready for me
I woke up in your car in the McDonalds parking lot. What the hell happened to 'no man left behind'?
I've spent more money on drugs for bonnaroo than my actual ticket. Proudly.
Is this a genuine concern or are you just high?
I decided not to eat, and then this man was my fairy " don't black out" godmother
So I stappled myself into my toga... that should be interesting getting out of later tonight...
Had to immediately delete the Bevmo email because I can't even look at an email about alcohol right now.
I was super proud of him for making a mature relationship decision, and then I remembered that he cheated on her. With me.
I'll keep supplying drugs if you teach me piano.
First you stole a hockey stick out of the nieghbors yard and claimed you were moses leading his children home. Then you led us around the same block twice before I called the cab
I want you to defile me in my childhood bed.
I’m gonna stop you right there. The last time you had a “brilliant” idea, I woke up to my kitchen covered in flour and a javelin through my tv.
My vagina! What have you done to it?
Blessed it my child.