How does everyone that never saw me naked know I'm built like a smurf?
Random question, how's your gag reflex these days
I was high enough to understand and function with 'flip' while playing brick breaker
Damn. I don't think I could ever be that high.
i just dedicated my kegstand to your breasts
Sitting in a bubble bath with my bong, how's your morning?
I think you blew our chances when you yelled "YOU SLUTS COMING TO THE TITTIE BAR?" in their face
In case you were unaware playing with rabbits on ecstasy is the greatest thing ever. I feel like I'm ODing on adorable right now.
So that's all you want from me. Easy ass.
And an everlasting friendship
The drunk fake out is her specialty. She'll agree to come with us and two seconds later we check to make sure she's still there and we see her booking it down the hall in the opposite direction.
Do you participate in Sunday morning booty calls?
Dammit! I didn't see this message, of course I do.
And it was in that moment when I realized that these high schoolers looked up to me and that I should set a good example. So I stole a casserole and left.
Tim is a child that you physically can't love because he makes it hard for you to even find anything redeeming about him so you debate leaving him forever at the gas station.
His weed is so good that I don't wanna risk loosing him as my weed man so I plan to keep him in the friend zone 😂
You know its a good night when ur woken up by the bartender asking you how he ended up at your house
Its not something you can force it it just has to happen like a rainbow or pooping