I heard we made out
You know you want to come over later
1:27a: Um no
1:45a: Maybe
2:05a: Probably
2:38a: I'm outside, let me in
i now know how you feel when you have to walk me home. she ran into a streetlight and into garbage.
Someone sharpied 'shit show' on my tits. Someone with excellent penmanship
She makes me want to have breakfast margaritas every day
This is ridiculous. It's like playing possible STD Clue, and I don't want to be the winner.
I'm not sure, 7-8, the last bit was a rush of at least three blended together. Basically you fucked me so stupid that I can't even recall the number of orgasms.
So you know, I'm making that my facebook status.
I lost a little respect for your boyfriend when I learned that he has a scar from a Cheerio.
I'm sure he'll make the rejection quick and completely justified.
No one likes wet exercise unless it's vigorous sex in the shower
I just added Tubthumping to the playlist for tonight. This is going to make or break the party.
My kid made a secret wish that you have a baby... Make good choices today!
You texted him 17 times. Asking for him back and sending random pictures of Jimmy Buffett. He didn't answer.
Ahhh, the bane of our relationship.... His mediocre penis
You know that we wouldn’t even be talking about all this if you would have kept your candy consumption judgement comments to yourself.