How is it? Sketchville?
cheap drinks and peanuts cancel out any form of sketchiness
Call me "white mamba"
Your dick is not a dangerous deadly poisonous snake
It is white.
video games are the ultimate cock blocker
I just paid a homeless man $20 for the dragon ball Z shirt he was wearing. I need to stop drinking
Oh my god my life; so much cake and so little sex
These people keep looking at me like I'm the first person to ever eat ribs in a Home Depot.
I wonder if he has realized that I have poured all if those shots he bought into the tip jar
I will miss his soup and his dick the most
I didn't mind you coming over, just I'm quite sure most booty calls don't involve a scavenger hunt...
Can you bring home an IV stand and an empty bag so I can direct inject coffee for work tomorrow morning?
I was angry that a college kid had a new Audi
so I peed on it
im glad to be known as "the girl you had sex with on a golf course"
FUCK the WHO, FUCK cancer, I'm gonna eat fucking bacon.
Dog. I woke up between my ex boyfriend witch i'm currently fucking and his bestfriend spooning me in MY bestfriends empty powerless house still really fucked up. No one knows what happend.
Well, let me first tell you that jack and cokes were ONE FUCKING DOLLAR.. It's like the club wanted me to make poor choices.