its like he missed a chap in the "being a guy" handbook and read the bible instead
...she's taking her top off and singing songs from Anastasia. I swear to God were solumates.
You are an asshole
haha sleeping beauty awakes.
Where did you find this costume?
Are they hot? And are the slutty? These are my concerns for any wedding. You say yes, and yes, I will be your best man
my debit card account is gonna say movie, movie, ice cream, movie, cheese fries, get a fucking life, movie
well if I unknowingly shoved my hand up someones ass, I'm glad it was yours
andd if someone unknowingly shoved their hand up my ass without me knowing, im glad it was you
Was this before, or after you took my brand new bag of shredded cheese, and "Made it rain"?
i miss freshman lecture halls much harder to take shots in a class of 20
I see your walk of shame and raise you a day in jail wearing a girls old workout clothes.
Sometimes I think I'm witty and funny, and then I realize it 3pm and I'm drunk
It is officially settled in my mind that fuck the hot grad student is THE goal this year
That moment when you can't decide if you should vote for the random frat guy you have head to at the beginning of the semester for business and technology senator.
To keep it classy I will take a pregnacy test on Mother's Day
Please let me buy the coffee, all my assets are in starbucks gift cards
I feel like I could get pregnant watching Zac Efron do yard work in this movie