God. I look like such a fucking stand up guy wearing polo shirts. You would totally trust me not to date rape you.
I can't lisssten to Lou Holtzsss ssspeak anymore
you tried to scramble eggs in my dryer last night. i want you here in 15 minutes to clean this shit up
What kind of friend are you? You don't even blackout anymore.
i wish i could, but i promised myself i wouldn't sleep with anyone who couldn't grow a beard for a while. it's not you, it's crosby.
we were hanging out in his room and he decided to play WoW.. so i took off all my clothes while he wasn't paying attention and laid on his bed and started playing with myself.
did he notice?
of course he didn't notice.. he was playing a fiesty level 1 fucker that wouldn't give up..
And then i had a penis in each hand. It was magical.
I won't go into too much detail about this but you should probably wash your sheets. In bleach. Or just burn them. Thanks for letting me sleep in your bed bro. Enjoy scotland.
Partial kegs from last night are currently in my bathtub, which leads me to 2 questions: 1. What are you doing tonight? 2. Can I use your shower?
you left saying you wanted to "go piss on that girl's doorstep" and we didn't see you the rest of the night
that actually explains a lot
It's like a new game! Find out if he's circumcised without actually seeing it
Sorrye. The bathtuv says hi. But theresno water in it. I've wanted too tell you for the longest, but nevr could
when seducing a hipster, do you think taking a nude pic on a lomo-camera app would increase my chances? grainy off-colored boobs and telling him how much i like reading salinger?
How long can I keep it classy to hook up in my old office building? Two more years? Does it get weird after 30?
I missed you last night. I'm sure he will never forget the night i sang my heart will go on into his penis like a microphone