Call me when you're up
Great dream, you were in it
this party is like a fast-foward into the future when im 40 and married with children
yeah. you were just sitting there watching transformers, caressing your toaster.
So are you the girl that gave me herpes? or was that the girl from the night before
yes, the chronicles of narnia is exactly what happens when you do crack inside of a wardrobe.
Pissing in la rieve gfox. Jer zsyuis diu drunk but it felt amazunbg
Dans le librearie ivetre. Hjhaha
My last two google searches are "shiny things" and "Ohio consent laws." you should visit more often.
I sobered up in the middle of it, that I was hooking up with him in a rosemary bush. I woke up smelling like a pasta dish
Next think I knew I was pretty much using his penis as a microphone... No more playing Eminem during hookups
I need a costume
Dude just wear a bra or something hahaha
I feel like it is our duty to make homophobic people more afraid of us. They're never going to change, but maybe we can get to a "wrath of god" kind of worship-him-or-he'll-destroy-you-with-his-care-bear-stare type thing.
On another note, I almost lost one side of my fake butt. Dancing the wobble with the fake butt isn't recommend.
I hate him but I love him for what he does which is me
I love you, and I just washed my hair in my work sink with handsoap.
I think I deserve an award for the breakup text I sent him. Like a pulitzer prize or a donut or something.