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  • Well it'll probably make him eat something.

    Submitted by Thompson11 on Sep 6, 12 at 1:04pm
  • As a diabetic myself, I've never tried this particular form of treatment, but I'll be back shortly with results.

    Submitted by AkSamwise on Sep 6, 12 at 10:20am
  • ....... A

    Submitted by tns1992 on Sep 6, 12 at 11:40am
  • Hey, wait a minute. I gave him one when he passed out in my class. And he passed out in a few of my friends classes, and they each gave him one too. I think somethings going on here.....

    Submitted by DavidWnC on Sep 6, 12 at 1:39pm
  • Will somebody give the guy a freaking sandwich??

    Submitted by daisydukeluke on Sep 7, 12 at 9:15am