the fact that you even dressed up as Tim Tebow says something about how influential he is. As a proud Gator, I'd fuck Tim Tebow with dignity EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK. All you Gator Haters can take a big deuce in your toilets of shame. You're all jealous because we're #1. SUCK IT Texas, LSU, and South Carolina!! ...and fsu.
It seems like nobody understood the meaning of this text. Tebow cried, and it was hilarious. I think he means that if he doesn't get laid, he is going to cry
Tebow said publicly he's waiting until he's married to have sex, that's why this is funny....I don't know if I believe that though. I'm pretty sure he could get any chick in Florida and it seems like the logical thing to do would be to take advantage of that.
I don't give a fuck WHAT his preferences are or whether he gets any, so long as he keeps playing well and Tampa Bay gets him 1st in the draft next year. THAT is what matters, people.
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