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  • I wish she would burn down American Apparel

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 3, 09 at 11:01am
  • The Cockmaster says: Roxy, I would make sweet sweet love to you, you sexy lady!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 3, 09 at 12:08pm
  • FYI flash those firefighters when you go by, we love it!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 3, 09 at 11:56pm
  • I agree. I'm ashamed to be from the 540. This is so stupid.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 3, 09 at 4:26pm
  • I must agree, being from this area code I feel ashamed at how lame this one is.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 3, 09 at 10:56am
  • This is stupid! VA I'm disappointed! Love, Roxy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 3, 09 at 10:52am
  • Sure I do... Who doesn't? Love, Roxy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 3, 09 at 11:14am
  • If it was my area code, something would have burned down. I'll bet money Roxy lady is a man.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 3, 09 at 12:35pm
  • 10:59 I gladly invite you to do so. Love, Roxy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 3, 09 at 11:01am
  • You wanna know how I got these scars? -Joker

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 3, 09 at 10:56am
  • Absolutely. Spank me HARD please! Love, Roxy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 3, 09 at 11:19am
  • 11:01 feel free to burn down Am Ap, but save the model, tape her up, and send her to me. kthxbai

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 4, 09 at 2:57am