I've taken adderall a few times, but it did NOTHING for me. I had a harder time concentrating and fell asleep an hour after taking it. Has this happened to anyone? what's that mean?
Shouldn't he save the stimulants until he actually gets tired? Now he'll just have to take another one after the first thousand pages. What a waste of perfectly good addy.
Do work son! - ^ Addy is short for adderall moron. It's main use is to keep kids with ADD (attention deficit disorder) focused and alert, but college kids who don't have this problem will take it to help them study. Basically like legal crack.
This has to be fake, picture more than 10 of even the biggest Harry Potter book. I seriously doubt there is a single volume book that big, or that somebody could actually carry it if there were.
Funny!!! First time I used addy I write a 12 page paper and then cleaned the 4 bedroom house I was renting. My roommates wanted me to keep taking it, so they wouldn't have to wash their own laundry.
Agree 640, i hate blowin too muh riddi and gettin headaches, the drip wih addy was wayyyy worse but it worked better half the time, first time i took it i walked around my city with a friend for no joke two days straight trying to find someone with cocaine
9:23, many college students take adderol to help get through tests and stuff like this so I'm guessing that they would know what it looks like. And this to me is highly believable
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