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  • Oh I get it, Jeff is just a persona for people who don't enjoy this site. -Not Jeff

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 6, 09 at 11:44am
  • opiates destroy you....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 6, 09 at 11:16am
  • Oh I get it, Jeff is copying me. It's funny because he can't be me. -Jeff

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 6, 09 at 11:20am
  • Charles Rutherford believes the next sentence would say "allows me to perform double anal"

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 6, 09 at 12:36pm
  • I think this is a very funny text!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 6, 09 at 2:36pm
  • I bet yer gonna get an A on that one. Lool

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 6, 09 at 10:26pm
  • that's funny. i helped a friend write an essay for the army, about why coke is bad, high on took us less time than we thought. \n\nAnd oxy's are where it's at.

    Submitted by popsiclepunch on Jan 29, 10 at 11:04pm
  • Freudian slips are always the best. Bravo

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 6, 09 at 3:00pm
  • Weak --- fentanyl is where it's at

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 6, 09 at 12:44pm
  • Those two sentences were the whole paper?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 6, 09 at 9:10pm
  • Nice!

    Submitted by grizzle on Feb 3, 12 at 10:25pm
  • being "jeff" and all the other stupid names is not funny anymore.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 7, 09 at 1:19pm
  • fentanyl patches and oxycontin; pussy's eat percs. *heb

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 7, 09 at 12:13pm
  • I prefer vicodin after CWE.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 6, 09 at 7:57pm
  • wow really that just shows how far you're going in life... dumb fuck

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 6, 09 at 1:45pm
  • Oh I get it, i'm a dumb fuck for sitting on tfln all day. -Jeff

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 6, 09 at 11:43am
  • Oh I get it, its funny because je has first hand experience on the drug! - Jeff

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 6, 09 at 11:18am
  • Hi, my name is Boxxy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 6, 09 at 2:01pm
  • Perc's makes me horny as sh***t

    Submitted by MissGi on Aug 25, 10 at 12:58pm
  • the funny thing is.. i just did a paper on oxycontin and the same thing happened to me

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 6, 09 at 12:52pm
  • i fucking love percocets. snort them makes it way better or mix them with coke... fucking wonderful

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 21, 09 at 2:51pm
  • If I had a Nickel.. -Brandon

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 6, 09 at 11:27am