Promise me that if I become one of those sad people that facebook pesters you to 'reconnect with' you'll tell me so I can delete mine and save myself the humiliation?
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Mwahahhaaha well that's why we are just friends biiitch
they're sad because their lives don't revolve around facebook activity? this post is retarded
if you have to reconnect with them, its cuz they actually have a life and dont spend 12 hours a day jerkin off to farmville. they found life beyond facebook. your the tool.
You guys are all retarded she's telling him I know we are just friends and fuck but just lemme know when u get bored so I don't look like a fb stalker
I'll leave the light on for you -Tom Bodet
Charles Rutherford is gonna promise you get fucked in the end
Yeah so what it only means that person don't go on facebook much.
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