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  • I've done that all at the same time

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 8, 09 at 6:14pm
  • What the hell?? The only feeling I have right now is disappointment. Bad tfln!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 8, 09 at 10:04am
  • aw fuck. i meant. if the OP is a guy this will be even more believable.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 8, 09 at 9:12pm
  • In Soviet Russia, burps, puke and farts order you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 9, 09 at 1:45am
  • What? The TFLN staff have the weekend off? The is pathetic

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 8, 09 at 7:52pm
  • Charles Rutherford and chuckLe get together and burp, puke, and fart all over 10:37's mother. Then she feeds the puke to 10:37 out of a sippy cup after she scrapes it off of herself. (doodooface)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 8, 09 at 3:31pm
  • i've sent in way better shit that never gets posted. This is bullshit this site is beginning to suck. My friend tried havin sex with some girl but apparently a grocery bag and a rubberband aren't a substitute for a condom. He texted me some crazy ass shit last night i send in funny shit all the time but they never post it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 8, 09 at 8:45pm
  • U r a burp puke and fart in that order. I'm last. First too. -chuckLe

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 8, 09 at 10:08am
  • We're all just well trained monkeys to society -cats eye

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 8, 09 at 2:57pm
  • the the OP is a guy, this will be even more beliveable. and thats sad.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 8, 09 at 9:11pm
  • That text made my day lol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 8, 09 at 3:23pm
  • last two happened last night, i'm in the midst of the last one

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 8, 09 at 10:08am