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  • San Diego Represent!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 13, 10 at 10:57am
  • if he doesnt know what they look like, then yeah he could mix them up

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 2:50pm
  • This is fake. Xanax doesn't look anything like aderL there's no way you could 'accidently' mix them up.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 11:59am
  • YDI for not knowing the difference between Adderall and Xanax. I call fake, and stop taking pills if you don't know what they are or can't verify it.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 3:00pm
  • fuck you joker. no one likes u

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 9:18am
  • @ 9:16...what fun would that be? plus...everybody needs a little addy boost during finals week.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 9:50am
  • Know your drugs fuckface

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 9:49am
  • exactly what 9:16 said you're stupid for taking meds that aren't prescribed to you i hope you die from a drug overdose or allergic reaction from something that wasn't for you, idiot.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 21, 09 at 2:05am
  • i love how there's a banner ad for wine on this page. nothin like alcohol and Xanax to take the edge off of a rough night of surfing.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 24, 09 at 1:08am
  • there are peachy-orange xanax in the generic form and at a glance they could be mistaken for adderall, but seriously, double check what you're putting in your mouth people...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 12, 09 at 11:07pm
  • and that's why you don't take drugs not prescribed to you, morons.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 9:16am
  • Haha...whoops? Next time read the name on the pill first, noob!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 10:51am
  • Likes the idea of fucking a midget.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 11:09am
  • You wanna know how I got these cars? -Henry Ford

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 3:26pm
  • Hahaha adderal lol it sucks for me I actually have a prescription for it and the way my brain is wired it calms me down, I have to stick with good old fashioned coffee

    Submitted by Zathelia on Nov 12, 10 at 8:15am
  • hahahaha this is amazingly funny... but fucking sucks. i feel for you!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 12, 09 at 1:18am
  • Wanna know how I got these bars? Original poster to person next to him in library

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 13, 09 at 12:22pm
  • 3:00 why would you call fake but still offer advice on the mistake the "fake" person made?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 3:29pm
  • not true, 11:59, there are 12 hour addys that look exactly like off brand xanax, I can definitely see how someone who is an idiot would confuse them

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 3:16pm
  • 12:22 does win, so funnny! <3xanax....8]

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 15, 09 at 4:46am
  • You wanna know how I got these pars? -Tiger Woods

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 12, 09 at 1:51am
  • You wanna know how I got these scars? -Joker

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 9:12am
  • Haha, this is hilarious.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 10:35am
  • Orange adderall are the 12 hour extended release....xanax is more often than not white. ive never seen orange xanax in my life only slightly with a slight blueish tint if it had any color at all. Idiot.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 12, 09 at 7:17pm
  • Awww 9:14, it's ok buddy. Just because you're pissed doesn't mean you have to pretend to have a quote huge cock. Midgets love small cocks so there's always someone out there for you

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 9:41am
  • ohhhhh san diego....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 3:11pm
  • Joker you da man <3333

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 10:54am