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  • Don't question it, just go with it.

    Submitted by wubbazugg on Oct 12, 11 at 10:12pm
  • Yeh if they passed out, how do you know they were Aussies? Were they snoring with an accent?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 1:28pm
  • how can anyone pass out if they are doing coke?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 1:35pm
  • Australian girls are so sexy. And pure freaks in bed

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 3:02pm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 9:01pm
  • how do you know they were australian?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 1:21pm
  • I am an Australian chick and no we don't dress like Dundee or drink Foster's. And no there arent kangaroos hopping down the main street of sydney. Do we drink alot? yes... so that explains the passing out... the cocaine? Im sure the aussie girls would have had definately had something to do with its misterious appearance haha

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 12, 09 at 1:01am
    • Soo true, at least someone on this post has a brain, and I'm not suprised you're a fellow Aussie chick :)

      Submitted by brittANY26 on Mar 9, 10 at 12:34am
    • Don't tell them that, it's so fun convincing americans that we have pet crocodiles and ride in and kangaroo's pouch to work and drop bear.... Ooh the drop bears

      Submitted by Starphyre on Sep 12, 11 at 7:03am
  • could be fake, or he already knew them and knew them to be australian, or he talked to them later, before he sent the text.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 3:22pm
  • Secure the coke before you wake the Aussies.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 3:25pm
  • dont you guys know all australian people make it very obvious by dressing like crocodile dundee and keeping cans of Fosters and Outback Steakhouse menus on them at all times?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 1:44pm
  • Charles Rutherford think those chicks are fuckin dead cause of ur shitty coke!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 7:50pm
  • 209 agreed, I don't know 1 person who has ever drank fosters.. we keep the good beer and send that shit overseas 308 aussie tramp stamp would be the southern cross Kangaroos are an environmentally friendly form of transport, clearly more sustainable than gm

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 8:37pm
  • I think you woke up in the wrong house.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 2:53pm
  • Were they passed out on the opposite side of the bed?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 1:28pm
  • Do you happen to be Jermaine?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 3:34pm
  • Love it.

    Submitted by unscathed on Jun 7, 10 at 2:14am

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 9:02pm
  • Yeah FAKE. Coke doens't just sit around. People don't just stop doing it. FAKE

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 12, 09 at 10:34am
  • Considering this is in the 415, you might want to make sure they actually ARE girls and not just two hot looking Australian trannies.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 1:31pm
  • God I hope this is Marin and not Frisco, something would finally be happening around there

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 1:57pm
  • You notice more people are concerned about whether the chicks are Australian than the fact there's a GODDAMN ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE in his kitchen!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 1:35pm
  • Would this be considered a "G'day" then? :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 1:26pm
  • Sounds like a good night!!!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 6:25pm
  • Wow, have you been signed to a book deal yet 10:53? Because that is an amazing story

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 11:58pm
  • Fuck if they were Aussies. If there was coke all over your counter, how the hell did they pass out???

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 5:41pm
  • Every guy's fantasy, but this never happened to the person who posted it. I'm just sayin....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 12, 09 at 8:03am
  • australians are iller than swine flu moyte! sounds like an epic night or a fake one (:

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 10:46pm
  • U roofied them got jacked up and raped them. -chuckLe

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 7:03pm
  • fuck off australian chicks are the sexiest by far

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 13, 09 at 4:04am
  • Haha yeah right. OP WISHES that happened.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 5:49pm
  • Ah San Francisco - so much to answer for...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 1:29pm
  • you should sex them.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 1:08pm
  • did they DIED?!?!?!?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 12, 09 at 11:12am
  • step 1. blow the coke. step 2. who cares. :)

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 18, 09 at 2:16am
  • Srsly? Why do u lie?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 12, 09 at 3:32am

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 9:03pm
  • Anyone here wanna eat me out?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 12, 09 at 2:59am
  • if the 2 babes were passed out how did he know they were Australian? Either they have an Aussie flag as a tramp stamp or the OP is lying. Hmmmm.....Anyone want to speak for the OP?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 3:08pm
  • Are you sure it was coke and not fairy dust? We are talking San Fran here..

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 1:43pm
  • that spells "coke and sex party" round one if the previous night wasn't remembered round two if it was

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 12, 09 at 9:58pm
  • this is soo strange, me and my twin sister are australian and we were passed out at this guys house a few weeks ago, we had been drinking coke. He said we could sleep there but he was pretty drunk.. i'm not lying, but this is a strange coincidence

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 10:53pm
  • • I’m not your Buddy / Friend • He’s not your Friend / Guy • I’m not your Guy / Buddy • He’s not your Buddy / Friend • I’m not your Friend / Guy

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 2:05pm
  • 8:37 HA. I agree with everything including the GM quip....witty. I drank fosters once and I bled my eyes...Shit is baaad. TED's ALL THE WAY

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 9:03pm
  • Uh Miranda kerr the VICTORIAS SECRET MODEL is Australian...

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 20, 09 at 2:11pm
  • ahhh...dam aussies. It really sounds like you live in whistler because Whis is infested with cokehead australians. And remember kids, always double cap it with an aussie.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 18, 09 at 4:56pm
  • fake thats so fake shit like that doesn't really happen

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 12, 09 at 2:40pm
  • Coke could be the soda. I doubt it, but we have to think about all the possibilities.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 5:30pm
  • Faaake...who would leave their coke there like that? Uhh no one, that shits expensive!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 4:57pm
  • Wow. Looks like someone wanted to be in the Hangover part 2. Not real this post is BS.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 12, 09 at 1:45am
  • I'm Australian, and we wouldn't even think about drinking Fosters, we all know that stuff is shit. We can't even get it here I'm pretty sure. Misconceptions you Americans make up are so stupidly funny seriously haha. Oh, and we can drive cars just fine thank you very much, we're not that primitive.

    Submitted by brittANY26 on Mar 9, 10 at 12:31am
  • 3:08 and 4:33 DUH he probably texted this AFTER they woke up. Either that or he found their IDs

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 4:43pm
  • Did they ride their kangaroos over? Mines parked out the back

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 2:16pm
  • The reason I know this one is fake (not that it really matters).... when you do coke you remember everything, even if you were on the way to blacking out, once you do the coke it "sobers" you up, at least from the effects of alcohol

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 12, 09 at 8:04am
  • How do you know they're Australian?

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 4:33pm
  • 1:44 Real Australians don't drink Fosters! You can't get it here, nor would you want to!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 2:09pm
  • 121 clearly they woke up and had Australian accents

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 9:12pm
  • Either your life eeriely mirrors greasymoose cartoons or this may have elements which are suspect....

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 9:47pm
  • Such fake bullshit. Loser

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 1:45pm
  • No one drinks Fosters in Aus. Only overseas, cause we all know it tastes like shit. I don't think you can even buy it here, all produced in the UK

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 10:40pm
    • hahaha yeah, hell the only place I've ever seen a can of fosters was in a souvenear shop with other supposed awesome aussie beers (VB, reshers XXX gold) can't remember the rest but raw tripe

      Submitted by Starphyre on Sep 12, 11 at 6:59am
  • fake as hell...who passes out after doing a bunch of coke, and when is there ever a bunch of coke left just laying around?!

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 12, 09 at 9:50am
  • 10:53, I'm pretty sure he's talking about the sort of coke you snort, not drink. So no it's not you.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 12, 09 at 3:52am
  • 9:03 you fucktard, you ruined the whole chant. You unAustralian piece of shit.

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 9:04pm
  • ok one australian chicks are fucking disgusting usually and two: 8:04-"The reason I know this one is fake (not that it really matters).... " exactly. it doesnt fuckin matter so just shut up and get some friends no one cares if its fake or not

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 12, 09 at 10:33pm
    • Bet you you haven't even met a chick from your own country before, let alone an Aussie.

      Submitted by brittANY26 on Mar 9, 10 at 12:33am
  • A "whole bunch of coke"....u must have a whole bunch of money missing cus that's unbeleivably the way nobody likes you because this is fake

    Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 11, 09 at 3:45pm