Just got new surround sound speakers for my computer... I feel like I'm actually IN the porn now.
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Wish we could vote more than once
I suggest cleaning a sticky keyboard as soon as possible. Sometimes a q-tip helps. But don't let it set! - Mr Clean
I think that's awesome! Find a girl (me) to help with that!
surround sound for porn: this is the next best thing to... actually getting laid.
Joker! Where is he?!?!? -Batman
Only thing you're missing is the stray cumshot in the eye to give you the full experience.
Yeah, you are the guy jacking off just outside the camera shot
... Says the geek in the corner! Get a life!
I do love this, and also for people saying how lame this is you can suck me for being so naive as to think boys don't do that
I don't know which is lamer, you getting surround sound to watch porn, or texting someone about. Your chances of actually getting laid just flatlined . Loser!! -
You wanna know how I got these scars? -Joker
I need to practice giving oral too! Geez I haven't in a while... I love it tho!!! -kim 573
Sweet Awesome Yeah! -How Now Brown Cow
That sucks bro -Diabetes
If it isnt a set of Logitech Z5500 then youre still nowhere close to sounding like youre in the porn.
Does he feel like he swallows? - Your kid sister
4:04, you a woman? cause i need to practice being given oral.
Dumbass Texan -not Texan
6:08 is desperate and prob ugly
Lol mankrik's wife hahaha wow humor
Yes, but do you have the hi-def monitor to go with it?
Where is Mankrik's wife?
I want to play a game. -Jigsaw Oooo, we're going to have so much fun! -Joker
now that is surreal...
My spidey senses are tingeling -my asshole
deserves two thumbs up.
This is way too lame!
I'm looking for somebody to practice oral on
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