Okay, let me get this straight: I'm a douche because I actually support research, and not this corporate "awareness" garbage, and you guys aren't because you see pink and go, "yeah, breast cancer is really there," and contribute next-to-nothing in all actuality?
That makes no sense at all.
3:01, I am fucking aware of it. I think we are all fucking aware of it. Being aware isn't going to do shit, though. Donating helps a hell of a lot more than slapping a pink ribbon on a bottle of Tide and saying "we promote awareness." Do one of those walk-a-thons. Buy something where most of the proceeds go to the Susan Komer Foundation.
I know I do.
Ugh you guys are not following this at all...this girl is pissed because all of the sorority sisters' dates are going to be gross and scruffy because they (the guys) don't shave during the month of November.
Apparently ppl aren't aware cause it's the second largest killer in women. So if seeing pink makes someone think about a breast exam or getting a mammogram then I say it's fine!! Early
Detection is key so bring on the pink for one month!!
Hey, listen up, bitches. We agree to go through a month of getting pounded up the ass in breast cancer awareness shit. Some of us even buy and wear/use pink garbage under the ruse of "we're saving boobies, and boobies are great!" Leave us alone when we promote to protect our endocrine unit, and by extension, our dicks, by following that bullshit up with something manly, like not shaving for... I don't know, a month.
How many guys participate in No Shave November actually knowing that it is meant to raise money for Prostate Cancer? I'm just asking....
(I'm gonna give it at guess and say... 40-50%. maximum.)
@7:53 it's not really a cliche if we keep texts like the one in this topic. "OMG how dare you get icky before formal! I don't care if it's for cancer awareness! It's gross!" Just sayin.
@1:49 it's pretty cliche to lump every sorority girl into one category, so kudos for being so original! just because someone's affiliated doesn't mean she's buying her friends or a selfish whore. unless she's a DG and then maybe.
Dear soro-whores, men are not just your silly little Ken dolls whose sole purpose in life is to be your arm candy. If your man wants to support a good cause, even if it means he gets hairy, why don't you just support him?
everyone whos hating on various forms of supporting either breast cancer or prostate cancer- YOU ARE IDIOTS. Seriously? how can you object to people supporting those who have life threatening illnesses, no matter what the form, whether they go head to toe in pink or grow a beard, who the fuck cares?
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