10:13. Lifes the longest thing you do. Stop disin weed it's au natural and it's legal abroad. It opens up your mind and makes you see things differently. It changed my life for the better. I'm a 4.0 student and still will be. Shit son get it proper
Ha wtf, I go to college and have a B average and I smoke pot. Why do people assume it ruins lives? You're only as weak as you let yourself be. Just handle your shit better!
alright 4:52, i'll humor you and give you some good reasons, although I'm guessing some shit happened back in the day that has got you blaming weed. It's relaxing, it's fun, it make food taste better, sex feel great, makes even the worst movies funny. if it ruins a life, its cause that person couldnt handle their shit.
Pot doesn't ruin lives, pot doesn't kill people, pot just makes you happy and warm inside... who doesn't want that? (btw im a straight A student bitchesssss so clearly pot has not ruined my academic success either)
Btw 4:52 pot heads don't say the goverment is bringing me down man! So stop watching that 70 show! Pot heads say " I'm so fuckin blazed right now man!"
128, o cause thats a much better idea. lets all pop some bars and totally black out instead of smoking a joint and getting the munchies a little bit. retard.
oh my fucking gggg. i would totally love this. and if you all would just shut the fuck up and smoke a bowl for the first time in your life you'll see that everything doesn't have to be as crucial as it is. it mellows you out, makes time slow down so you can enjoy yourself more. way fucking better than alcohol and thats a fact.
Awwww, poor guy. I know why dealers quit doing shit like that: people abuse the kindness and pretty soon he's "on the clock" 24/7. Be nice, and put your holiday orders in early. :P
@ 950 I'm an intelligent, productive member of society that smokes weed. I would not consider myself a "stupid ignorant loser." Would you like a rundown of my GPA or would you prefer a few FBI background check quality character references?
SO its not they said they were blowing lines or smoking a rock! Weed is a natural herb that other stuff is not and can ruin lives! And some advice for ya... worrying about other ppls lives pp taking up way too much time of your own.. life is way to short to be worrying about how other ppl chose to live theirs! Stop lookin from the outside in And being a judgemental bitch and see why every one but ppl like you enjoy waking up everyday!
I go to college and keep a B+ average and smoke pot. Why do people assume that it's bad? Give a reason why it's any worse than alcohol, cigarettes or even Tylenol. You can't, at least give a validated reason. It's not a "gateway" drug, that's bullshit. You're only as weak as you allow yourself to be, if your high on other things that's your own problem. Handle your shit better. God says everything has a purpose on Earth for man. Well I found a purpose for it and it's fucking good.
And I've never smoked weed, it's not my thing but I absolutely believe you should have the right to do whatever you want to do in your own house so long as it doesn't harm anyone else (like child molesting or something).
So light up!
3:05 you're an A student in the Learning Disorder section of your school. I'm sure you were proud of that gold star the teacher gave you for your finger paintings
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